Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Best of Days...

... is a collection of the best short stories, flash fictions, haiku, poems, character sketches and experimental pieces to come out of Tony's "366 Days" project. This eclectic explosion of creative writing resulted from the author's personal challenge to write every day for a year, a challenge born of the pain of loss, a struggle to drag himself out of the darkness after the deaths of loved ones.

Here are ghost stories; the tales of weird items found in the Museum of Alternate Histories; "what if?" stories and "why not?" stories; gothic poetry and humorous haiku. Here walk aliens, devils, bank robbers, widows, dreamers, vampires, robots, and Beat-generation zombie fighters. Here are ruminations upon the human spirit and extrapolations of where technology may someday propel human desire.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

The Best of Days * Tony Simmons
Trade Paperback * October 2010